Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stats and things

Here are the current basics of my character Zhi Han Coilbinds.

Race: Dark-Elf
Sex  : Male
Level: 6

I'm not sure if I the reader is interested in my stats so I will leave them out for now. and mention them as they change, when they change.  Now that I have created my own mission in Skyrim, I have to figure out how to make this happen.  My journey so far has me dispatching the orcs in CRACKED TUSK KEEP.  I kind of liked the place.  It has a cozy bed deep inside it and an alchemy table in there as well as .  This raid is important to me because it was here I recognized and made peace with my true obsession within this game.  My obsession for...BOOKS!

I didn't find any skill leveling books but I did add these to my collection: Along with the newly acquired jewels of my collection comes an emotional baggage.  I have issues with how I acquired my new books.  I had to kill everyone in the place and don't like how sloppy it is.  The killing was exciting because I got to see one of the hyped animated finishing moves in a decapitation sequence that would make the cut in a Quentin Tarantino thriller a la "KILL BILL".  What if I took what I wanted from them and left them alive?  Anyone can come into a cave or dungeon or whatever and kill every living thing there. And let's say I wanted to exploit the hustle and bustle of a crowded street or city, I can't go around killing everyone I see for my books.  I would like to be more subtle and less bloody in my approach.  Can I go through the game without killing another soul?  My aim is not to kill if I don't have to.  I know this game will push my resolve on this matter.  My current desire is to be able to walk into any facility or person, creature, or being in this game and pick their pockets for books and whatever else they may have on their person that would benefit my survival.  However being so close and personal with the the many denizens of this game, I must be prepared to flee, be strong enough to withstand blows, spells form the harshest of enemies. at a moment's notice.  Basically I have to pick my fights or suffer the consequences.

This search for books made me a moving scavenge and hunter. I will loot the bodies of the dead for materials and items to sell for better gear for the oncoming adventures.  In the process I seek to better my fighting, Alchemy, Pickpocket, Sneak, Smithing, One-handed, Archery, Destruction, Restoration skills when I hunt.  So enough writing it's time play.  I will write more of my adventures on tomorrow's blog.  So long fellow Skyrimmers and happy hunting.

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